Sunday, August 14, 2011

Hearing God

I am reading a book titled  "Hearing God" written by Peter Lord, published by Baker Books 1988. Pastor Lord opens his book with a poem written by Louis Eberly in the magazine Alive Now! I would like to dedicate this post to my husband, who is (temporarily) away from me at this time- working for our future.

To Bruce

Love must express and communicate itself
That's it's nature.
When people love one another, they start telling
Everything that's happened to them.
Every detail of their daily life, they "Reveal" themselves
To each other, unbosom themselves
And exchange confidences.
God hasn't ceased being Revelation anymore
Than He's ceased being Love.
He enjoys expressing Himself.
Since He's Love, He must give Himself,
Share His secrets, communicate with us
And reveal Himself to anyone
Who wants to listen. 

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