Tuesday, July 26, 2011


John 14:27

Jesus died so that we could have peace with God through the gift of the Holy Spirit. This precious gift to mankind cost him dearly. Do you have peace in your life? Is it well with your soul today? 

Peace is the absence of strife in our live's. The unnecessary strife I am referring to, the strife that comes from our own doing. It is the by product of unforgivingness, resentment, unresolved anger, and bitterness- just to name a few common areas we habitually get caught up in repeating over and over. 

These character defects of the soul (our mind, will and emotions) rob us of the peace that God sacrificed so much for us to have.
The Bible says in Hebrews 12:14 that we must strive for peace to see God- follow after, seek it out, work at it. 

All the fruit of the spirit-  love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control- start from a decision, and an action on our part. Then God works perfectly, in the fullness of the Holy Spirit, to bring beauty to an imperfect soul. 

There is no peace outside of God, dear ones. The gift Christ left was for all who know, love, trust and seek Him.

Seek  and you shall find.
Trust Him and you will know Him.

1 comment:

  1. Peace is the single most valuable piece of life on earth... How to find, how to acquire, how to maintain... Lynn Anne you inspire me.
