Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Yesterday I wrote a post in my blog "Dreams Do Come True" entitled "Stand". The focus was on the tradition of standing and placing our hand over our heart in honor of our American flag when she passes by- and how many Americans will stand simply because the crowd does, but they will not place their hand over their heart.

I ended the writing with the saying, "If you don't stand for something,  you'll fall for everything."

I don't know about you, but I personally have a fear of falling. It hurts. Then there's the scraped knees or busted ankle to deal with, taking a while to heal, and most of the time leaving me with a scar. 

 Looking back, most of those accidents could have been avoided had I  just 
paid a little more attention to what I was doing, and not rushing into some decisions without giving proper consideration to the potential outcome.

Some of the falls I have encountered in life that hurt the most- came later, during times I let complacency guide me. Most of those times I was spiritually lukewarm and living in the "all about me and my needs" phase of life. It's one of those pits you can easily slip in to and not even realize you've fallen until it starts to get dark and lonely.

These lukewarm days of living in Christ ( but not really living for Christ) produced some serious mental and spiritual falls, and they were very painful, taking years to heal the wounds, leaving some tender scars.

An excerpt from my journal during a season of recovery from one of those times reveals the importance of standing in the grace of God. I wrote this-

"The spring rains and thunderstorms are here to replenish and renew mother earth. The blooms of scattered jonquils in my yard, produced perhaps from another time of rain, washing the bulbs down the hill. There is no pattern or bed- just naturalized."

I am reading your word and praying for the thunderstorm in my life to wash over me and renew my soul- strengthen my connection to God. I am dedicating (standing) this season to focus on my renewed relationship to God and to continue to seek repentance (change ) in areas of my life that need correction. Today I read in Romans 5:1-

"Therefore (because of that), having been justified (to be proven right) by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we also have access by faith into the grace (unearned favor with God) in which we stand, and rejoice in the hope and glory of God.

And not only that, but we also have glory (praise) in tribulation, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance and perseverance, character and character, hope. Now hope does not disappoint because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us."

My Bible foot notes says that biblical peace means having a right relationship with God and others. Spiritual peace describes a sense of well being and fulfillment that comes from God and is dependent on His presence alone.

God protects our heart and mind from fear and anxiety. It transcends all logic. To receive this protection I must always stand close to God. However, being human, if I slip, trip, and fall, He will understand and pick me up and heal my wounds, just as any loving father would. I just had to reach out one arm in love, repentance and trust. It was always my choice to give Him my hand...

Stand firm (believe) in God loved ones. Do it now, on your knees .Stand tall, hand on heart, pour out your deepest hurts, disappointments and falls. Reach out your hand, putting down your false guard (our pride), and let God go to battle for you, and your battle wounds will begin to heal.

It was a choice that saved my life. It can save yours too. Trust God, right now. Do it dear one. I'm praying for you.

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